Thursday, May 1, 2014

My April Happiness Awareness

So I guess it has been exactly one month since I last posted. Which is actually quite interesting.

April made for a lot of awarenesses. I let my ruthless pursuit of happiness fall off a bit. Just busy and distracted by new people and new events and LIFE.

It has brought to my attention a new "thing" about happiness. I have talked to a few people about it and now I will share it with you.

There was a week plus where I sort of leaned into my unhealthy habits (i.e. lots of soda, candy, fast food, I even got McDonalds!) And I found all of those things yummy and satisfying. But I was disappointed in myself. I had also let go of my morning routine of waking up with ample time to eat and have a moment and fully greet the day.

Now I am back on the wagon, so to speak. And I truly feel happier. Withholding is a powerful thing. It's a fine line. I give in to soda, because I love it and it is delish, but then feel guilty. I stick to water for 6 out of 7 days a week and on that 7th day when I have soda it intensifies my level of happiness in regards to drinking the soda. Is it worth it? I'm not sure honestly. I was talking to my dear friend, Tessa. And we both seemed to think that no one really has it right when it comes to this quest for happiness. We all have our ways.

And instagramming 100 days of happy has made me so aware of this. If  I wasn't doing that I wonder if I would have noticed. And there was a slew of days where it was the end of the day and I hadn't taken a pic of something that made me happy so I would just make it work. Rather than seeking out that photo opportunity. So now I am back to plunging the depths of my happiness and actually pursuing it. And yesterday I had TWO photos. And there was a third one I could have had!

So why have I gotten back to blogging? asked no one...

Because I need to keep on this path. I think it'll lead somewhere. So for the month of May at least I am going to post every day! You guys will get sick of me!

Also, I am attempting a 30 day cold shower challenge. Stay tuned.

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